I am currently enrolled at The Pennsylvania State University where I am in my fourth year of my undergraduate career as a Security Risk Analysis major. Due for graduation in May 2018, I plan on continuing my studies as a graduate student to expand my knowledge in the field of cyber security.  

Cyber security is just one of many hobbies that I am interested in. I enjoy playing basketball, football, hockey, skiing, traveling, spending time with family and friends and of course playing with my dog Payton. 

A quote by Chuck Palahnuik that I have found useful throughout my life is to "find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it's your responsibility to love it, or change it" My goal in life is to not only be successful, but to love what I do and the people that are supportive and make me a better person.  

Brad Beard- Cyber Security 
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